Kishor Patil: ‘In five years, we will probably see most cars in India with L2 and L3 features.’

Kishor Patil: ‘In five years, we will probably see most cars in India with L2 and L3 features.’

Mr. Kishor Patil, Co-Founder & CEO, KPIT Technologies, was interviewed by Mr. Sumantra B Barooah, Executive Editor, Autocar Professional. Kishor spoke about KPIT and its focus towards Autonomous Driving, Vehicle Electrification and Connected Vehicles. He also spoke about the trend in electrification and types of autonomous vehicle technology suitable for India

Copy of the interview as published in Autocar Professional is reproduced below




Tags: Autonomous Driving, Electric Powertrain, Connected Vehicles, Kishor Patil KPIT, Kishor Patil KPIT CEO Interview with Autocar Professional

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