Here’s from Kishor Patil KPIT Co-Founder, MD & CEO about the trend driving the Automotive Industry
Not long ago, it was unimaginable the role mobile phones would play in our daily lives and the extent to which we would depend on them.
Will cars of the future have a similar impact on our lives?
Apple recently launched iPhone 11. Over years, Apple has become an indispensable part of many lives, adding more features, keeping us hooked.
Now let’s take a look at modern day mobility & automotive scenario:
- In Asia, people widely use drivers and spend ~3 hours a day in their cars. Will driverless & shared cars spread this trend to more number of people
- Connected cars, remote software updates will bring more and more features to a car.
Today, with 200 million+ lines of code, cars have more software than the entire facebook application.
This number is set to multiply thanks to autonomous vehicles and new advancements. - People are emotionally more invested in their cars than phones, voice technology in cars will increase this connect further.
Some food for thought:
Will the above trends, replace phone addiction with car addiction to an extent?
Or, will car create additional engagement and make lives more digital?
What do you think?
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