K-DCP Associated Services


KPIT provides diagnostic consultancy and data authoring services to pulse-check your diagnostic development and delivery strategies, ensure that they are future-ready and to deliver content as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Process consultancy- Provide expertise that can benchmark current-state processes and practices whilst understanding what future-state will look like and providing recommendations on how to evolve

Data authoring- Provide access to just-in-time expert resources that can augment your existing team and deliver exceptional value both on-site and off-shore as required

Salient Features

Process consultancy:

  • Pulse-checks diagnostic processes against industry best-practice
  • Helps define standards driven & future-proofed processes
  • Optimizes processes by identifying automation opportunities

Data authoring:

  • Pool of 75+ ODX/OTX skilled resources
  • Expertise in ASAM/ISO standards-based data authoring
  • A global authoring services execution & delivery model

Key Benefits

Productivity improvements

Efficiency gains through:

  • Highly effective development and delivery processes
  • Data authoring capabilities for rapid delivery


  • Understanding of current state and strategy to move forward
  • By executing processes that are future-ready, today

Faster time-to-market

  • Data re-use across Engineering, Manufacturing and Aftersales- 100% re-usable basic library functions
  • Data driven approach – enables update of diagnostic sequences without changing source code
  • Process efficiencies and feedback loops drive collaboration, lowering time-to-market


KPIT’s diagnostic process consultancy provides analysis and recommendations to improve overall diagnostic productivity through standardization of diagnostic data and processes.

It is specifically tailored to each customer to identify improvement opportunities and plan how to leverage these to produce significant productivity improvements.

Tailored solutions:

For OEMs

  • If you are using proprietary diagnostics processes, we help you to migrate to standards (ODX/OTX) based processes
  • If you are already using standards, we help you chart a future roadmap to adapt new technologies

For Tier 1s

  • If you have your own ODX/OTX implementation but need to support multiple OEMs with specific requirements, we can help you in defining optimized processes to manage these

Key Benefits

  • Pulse-checks your diagnostic processes against industry best-practice
  • Helps you define standards driven processes which incorporate your specific business needs and are future proofed for the next 10-15 years
  • Fast tracks your journey towards next generation diagnostics, including processes and tools for:
    • One-click diagnostics
    • Implementation of Adaptive AUTOSAR & Remote Diagnostics
    • Remote connected vehicles data analytics


KPIT provides expert services to author high quality standards-compliant diagnostic data in a cost-effective manner.

KPIT works with its customers to develop robust authoring guidelines and processes that incorporate best-practice and data quality review/sign-off processes.

These authoring guidelines can additionally be used to developed OEM-specific data quality rules that can be automatically applied as part of the data validation processes both inside and outside the tooling.


Key Benefits

  • Experts on ISO OTX/ODX standards available for consultancy and training
  • Expert diagnostic data and sequence authoring team across the globe
  • Productivity improvement through OTX test automation & reusable libraries
  • Quality commitment and reporting through agreed metrics